Ministry Teams
The Benevolence Ministry Team
The purpose of this team is to bring people into a growing relationship with the Lord by creating awareness about the physical needs of our community, and to encourage committed involvement in meeting those needs both physically and financially as a witness for Christ in an effort to evangelize the lost.
Current Benevolent Ministries include . . .
- Food Pantry
- Angel Tree Gifts
- North Vermillion Community Food Drive
- New Born
- Bereavement
- Good Samaritans
- Nursing Home Visits
- Be a Fan Project
Building & Grounds Ministry Team
Goal of the Team: To support the purpose of our congregation by providing a place of worship, learning, fellowship and services for its members and to aid each ministry team in bringing people into a growing relationship with the Lord. Focus of the Team: To oversee the maintenance, cleaning, and future development of our facilities to best serve the needs of the congregation. Progress of the Team: This team has been meeting every other month to discuss the maintenance and cleaning concerns of the building. As the meetings continue, more planning and discussion will be held to improve our facilities as well as keep them in good order to not only serve the church today, but also in the future.
The Communication Ministry Team
This ministry helps to bring people into a growing relationship with the Lord by providing avenues of communication through which individuals can become aware and involved with the ministry of Cayuga Christian Church.
Some of our ongoing communication avenues…
- Weekly Sunday Bulletin
- Seasonal and Weekly PowerPoint Announcements
- Monthly Newsletter (mailed and available online)
- Church Website
- Google Calendar
- Recorded Sermons (available online)
- Facebook Page
- Personal and Automated Emailing and Phone Calls
- Mailings
- Outdoor Signs
- Indoor Signs, Flyers and Bulletin Boards
- Community Advertising (phonebook, newspapers, etc…)
- Church Booklet – This booklet has been designed to give an overview of Cayuga Christian Church. It is a good resource to give newcomers and for anyone to use to get a good look at the ministry of Cayuga Christian Church. These booklets are available in the church office.
- Annual Congregational Meeting
Evangelism and Member Care Ministry Team
Goal of Team:This team helps to bring people into a growing relationship with the Lord by encouraging people to become Christians, join the church, and remain actively involved.
- Hospital/Nursing Home/Home Bound/Continuing Care
- Elderly Visits/Visitation
- Restoration Calls and Visits
- First Time Visitors and Evangelism
- Counseling and Requests for Visits
- All Member Visitation
- Shepherding Program
Fellowship Ministry Team
Church Purpose: The purpose of Cayuga Christian Church is to bring people into a growing relationship with the Lord. Ministry Team: The Fellowship Ministry helps to bring people into a growing Goal: The Fellowship Ministry helps to relationship with the Lord by providing opportunities for people to connect with each other and build relationships.
Annual Fellowship Events
- January Chili Cook-Off
- February Winter Carnival
- March / April Easter Breakfast
- May Mother & Daughter Tea (CWF)
- June Celebrate Good Times (Camp)
- September Church Picnic
- October Fall Party
- November Thanksgiving Dinner (CWF)
- December Christmas Breakfast, Dinner Theater
Other Fellowship Events
- Senior Meal – Meets 3rd Wednesday of every month
- Sunday School Parties (Each Class) – Meet occasionally
- Christian Companions Trips – Occasionally Scheduled
- Athletics (basketball, volleyball) – Various schedules
- Tournaments (euchre, ping pong)
Mission Ministry Team
Our Missions
- Hanging Rock Christian Assembly
- Northwest Haiti Christian Mission
- Emmanuel Christian Seminary
- Team Expansion
- Lincoln Christian University
- Local Benevolence
- SCAMPS (ISU Campus Ministry)
- The Trusty Family (Church Planting in New Zealand)
Spiritual Growth Ministry Team
Goal of Team: To bring people into a growing relationship with the Lord by offering prayer, bible study, and spiritual growth experiences. Focus of the Team:
Worship Ministry Team
Goal of Team: To bring people into a growing relationship with the Lord by offering an atmosphere of worship that acknowledges the presence of God and the importance of the participant offering their all to Him. Focus of the Team: To help take the member of this congregation to the next level of worship, this team will create a worship experience that pleases God and encourages the participant to give themselves wholeheartedly to Him.